Collection "contentnocontent"

I look at many of today's "newspapers". And what do I see ? No content anymore.

In former days, newspapers have been "real" news papers, with content.

Today, many who call themselves "newspapers", aren't (anymore).

Within the last years, content disappeared and direct or hidden advertisement & PR took the spot.

One of those examples, we have here in Austria. It is the "Kleine Zeitung" ("Small Newspaper").

Here you can perfectly see, how content vanished through the years. Today there is just a confusing,

ad-inflated paper left, comparable with those contentless papers you get free everywhere. 

You can observe this "development"

not only in newspapers, but in all media, the (w)hole society and the (w)hole world:

(the) content (is) no content.

P.S.: So finally the real content of the "Kleine Zeitung" ("Small Newspaper") is expressed in its name.

Nomen est omen.

P.P.S.: After a few days I got the inspiration, that this collection contains additional "higher" meanings,

which then I suddenly could see. I don't explain more. If you have a higher consciousness, you too can see.

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